Creating a business is a project that requires preparation, important decisions must be made. To set up a business creation project, it is necessary to proceed in stages but it is not always easy to know how to go about it and where to start.

The Entrepreneurs’ Corner informs you about all the key stages of business creation so that you can learn about the path to follow and have a common thread in your business creation processes:

1. I validate my business creation project idea

The starting point is to find an idea for a business creation project. There are a multitude of project ideas, they can be already existing activities or completely innovative concepts.

When you want to go a little further than the idea stage and plan to launch an activity, you need to precisely define your business model.

Market research often begins at this stage, it allows you to refine your project , learn about potential targets and the competition, and obtain a lot of other information.

We invite you to consult this article for more information on market research: how to carry out market research?

The motivation of a project leader is essential, the degree of investment of the business creator in his project is a determining factor for success.

2. I take stock of the compatibility of my situation with the project

When you have a precise idea for a business creation project and you want to get started, it is time to take stock of your personal situation. Is your situation compatible with a business creation project? To do this, we must question ourselves on several levels:

think about your changed situation. For example, if you are an employee, how do you leave your current position? Are you blocked by clauses (non-competition or exclusivity for example)? are you able to combine two activities (your current position and your project)?…;

realize that you will now be a business manager, a role that is not easy for everyone to perform;

become aware of your change in income. By leaving your job, you risk losing your main income. In addition, the employment center benefits that you may receive are temporary and lower than your current salaried income;

and measure the impact of this choice on your family life. Embarking on a creative project will have consequences for your family, you risk spending more time at work, having periods of more intense stress than currently and having fewer financial resources during the start of activity. Furthermore, the risks that your family runs must be measured (this depends in particular on the legal form of the business and your matrimonial regime).

Through these three points, we wish to inform you about the impacts that a business creation project can have so that you can make your decision by correctly measuring the consequences.

I find out about starting a business and surround myself

Once you have a good idea for a project and have made the decision to create your business, it is advisable to find out about starting a business.

Finally, it may be appropriate to join one or more networks of project leaders, which will allow you to be in contact with other people in the same situation as you, or to find a person on whom you can rely. if necessary (a former business manager, a friend who is familiar with business creation, etc.). The business creator must know how to surround himself with the right people to move forward properly.

I confirm my decision and list the actions to be taken

When your decision to create your business is made, you will need to carry out your first concrete actions:

if you are working, the choices to make in relation to your employer ( taking creative leave , combining both activities or leaving the company),

discuss the project with your employer and indicate your wish to leave the company (ideally through a conventional termination),

and start approaching the project with your banker, potential investors you know and with an accountant if possible.

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